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+212 659-216825 contact@thesunrisevilla.com

Berber Henna Party

Berber Henna Party

For Moroccan women, taking care of themselves and their beauty is part of traditional culture. Among the practices they choose to reveal this beauty, henna tattoos. On different occasions, Moroccan women enjoy displaying their uniquely-shaped Henna tattoos.


These vary from one region to another, and have meanings that go beyond their beauty. Stemming from Berber beliefs, many Moroccans still see a henna tattoo as a symbol of good luck. Some people also strongly believe that henna can help to guard against ill fortunes and the evil eye, particularly when designs incorporate the khamsa, an eye, or diamond shapes.


Other henna designs include twists and swirls, geometric shapes, floral patterns, and linear designs. But what’s common is that having Henna is always done in a ceremonious way. Moroccan culture is rich in many traditions in which the traditional attire is always present. For this reason we encourage our guests to try them and see what it feels like to dress up and wear locally-made clothes.


Women would wear their most beautiful traditional dresses: Caftans or takchita and would start doing Henna. Men could wear a set called “jabador/jelaba”, comprising a tunic and pants. Without forgetting the children who will also enjoy outfits. Amazigh songs are played while snacking Moroccan pastry and fresh mint tea: Atay – the national drink, are being served continuously.

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